We ShareWe Share was a series of public workshops and open forums for community organizations, local businesses, community leaders and engaged citizens to meet and share best practices, ideas and strategize about how to build a stronger community. I developed and facilitated the forums from concept to inception. To engage a more diverse audience and to be more inclusive, I created two additional programs one for younger residents and one for older residents. These programs were well attended and energized public discussion and engagement.
First FridaysA concept used in Main Street communities across the nation, First Fridays were introduced in Chardon in 2019 during my tenure with Chardon Tomorrow. These events partnered local businesses, community organizations and residents to spark engagement in the Main Street community. These events were also used to drive public support to issues and causes ranging from support of legislation for the entertainment district licensing to revitalization of green spaces.
Volunteer/Leadership Experience
Heritage Ohio
Mainstreet Program Board Representative
Heritage Ohio
Annual Conference Program Presenter:
Crisis Communications
Promotions Pillar
Mainstreet Program Board Representative
Heritage Ohio
Annual Conference Program Presenter:
Crisis Communications
Promotions Pillar